Catalogue of participants of the exhibition and conference OMR 2024

Deputy Prime Minister of Russia

Alexander Novak

Dear Colleagues and Friends!

Welcome to OMR 2024, the sixth international conference and exhibition on shipbuilding and high-tech equipment for continental shelf and Russian Arctic development.
Russia has the world’s largest hydrocarbon reserves. The development of the Arctic shelf, with its abundant resources that can rightly be called our strategic asset, is becoming increasingly important to the country’s energy balance.
Developing Arctic fields is labor-intensive, and the region’s unique natural environment imposes strict environmental safety requirements, necessitating advanced technology solutions.
This forum will make a significant contribution to the development of the country’s innovative economy and promote the advancement of new technology, adoption of cutting-edge approaches to oil and gas resource development, and training of skilled professionals.
On behalf of the Russian government and personally, I wish all participants and organizers of the forum a productive event, new professional achievements, and success in achieving their goals.

Minister of Energy of Russia

Sergey Tsivilyov

It’s my pleasure to welcome the attendees and participants of OMR 2024, the sixth international conference and exhibition on shipbuilding and high-tech equipment for continental shelf and Russian Arctic development.

The mineral resource base of the Russian continental shelf is crucial for achieving the strategic goals of the national economy.
Within our borders, we have reputable industrial companies focused on developing innovative technologies, cultivating a skilled workforce, and fostering a conducive environment for shelf oil and gas operations.
Our specialists are actively expanding their operations in the Arctic, undertaking large-scale missions for the extraction and processing of hydrocarbon resources, using high-tech equipment, closely monitoring environmental protection, and providing consumers with all types of energy resources and their derivatives.
I am confident that the OMR Forum 2024 will spark new ideas and tools that will make our work on the continental shelf safer and more efficient.
I hope all participants and guests have a successful event, engage in productive discussions, and build valuable new business connections.


Head of the Federal Subsoil Resources Management Agency

I am glad to welcome all the participants of OMR 2024 forum held in the name of Aleksey Emilyevich Kontorovich!

Today exceptional attention is paid to the Arctic region development. It should be noted that Council on Protection of National Interests in the Arctic is one of three councils established under a Presidential Decree to increase effectiveness of the national marine policy.
The front territories of the Arctic region are being developed in parallel with the marine transport system evolving. Development of northern oil and gas fields of Timan-Pechora and West Siberian Basins and Pechorskoye sea shelf has been ensured. Coal fields of the West Taimyr and a mega-project of Vostok Oil, including a shipment terminal in Yenisey Gulf, are being constructed. New projects on development of solid mineral deposits in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and Chukotka Autonomous Region are active and being implemented.
Since adoption of the Strategy of Geological Industry Development through 2030, developed by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Russia together with Rosneft in 2010 and approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, multifunctional service centers have been mentioned as the main organizations engaged in mineral resources management in the strategic planning documentation.
Hydrocarbons are the key drivers for development of mineral resources of the Arctic region. The structures prepared for drilling and production layers of open deposits exposed by drilling contain category D0 resources, including 6.2 bln. tonnes of oil, 22.1 trln. m3 of natural gas and 1.8 bln. tonnes of condensate.
Today import phase out projects are implemented in the following spheres: marine geophysical research, marine boreholes drilling, engineering of underwater production equipment, well blowout safety, formation of special technological fleet of robot engineering equipment. These measures are aimed at gaining and maintaining the leading position in development of Arctic continental shelf. I am sure that expert community introduced at the forum will pay proper attention to the technological sovereignty and import independence issues.
I wish all participants of this leading industrial forum successful work and finding new solutions and new opportunities for cooperation in the sphere of safe and cautious development of natural resources.

Deputy Minister of Health

A. N. Plutnitzkiy

Dear colleagues!

On behalf of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, I am glad to welcome facilitators, participants and guests of OMR 2024, a forum on shipbuilding and high-tech equipment engineering for development of the Arctic and the continental shelf.
The President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, and the Government of the Russian Federation have set clear goals in the sphere of implementation of global infrastructure projects in the Arctic and the Far East aimed at improvement of life quality in these regions.
The Ministry of Health of Russia pays special attention to the Arctic territories, medical support of marine activities and enhancement of telemedicine healthcare services for residents of the Far North. Issues of telemedicine implementation, industrial medicine development, medical evacuation, professional training of medical personnel for the Arctic remain relevant.
I am sure that OMR 2024 forum will facilitate comprehensive expert analyses of possibilities of Arctic region sustainable development and provide specialists with an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the latest innovations in the sphere of healthcare services, improve their professional skills and competences and find effective ways to share their experience.
I wish all participants of the forum productive work, meaningful
dialogue, further professional success and, of course, good health.

Alexander Beglov

Governor of St. Petersburg

Dear friends,

I would like to welcome participants and guests of OMR 2024 International exhibition and conference for shipbuilding and equipment and technologies for development of the Arctic and continental shelf!
Russian President Vladimir Putin has identified key areas for the development of the country's economy, with the emphasis on the stimulation of domestic production and investment in research and development. These components are very important for the efficient development of oil and gas resources in the Arctic, which has already become one of the pillars of Russia's energy security.
The Government of St. Petersburg supports manufacturing enterprises, scientific and educational centers and research institutes operating in the city that are involved in the implementation of strategic projects in the Arctic and the Northern Sea Route. St. Petersburg is the center of national shipbuilding and an innovation platform where advanced technologies for the harsh conditions of the Far North are developed and implemented.
OMR 2024 International Exhibition and Conference showcases the achievements of the industry, provides an impetus for the implementation of investment projects and opens new opportunities for the growth of the Arctic competencies of St. Petersburg and the northern regions.
I wish the participants and guests fruitful work and success for the benefit of Russia!

Governor of Leningrad Oblast

Aleksandr Drozdenko

Dear Friends!

I am delighted to welcome the attendees and participants of OMR 2024, the sixth international conference and exhibition on shipbuilding and high-tech equipment for continental shelf and Russian Arctic development.
Russia’s shipbuilding industry is facing a massive challenge today: developing the continental shelf.
Leningrad Oblast is home to renowned shipbuilding and ship repair facilities. They substantially contribute to designing and building Russia’s fleet, developing navigation equipment, and fostering and employing a highly skilled workforce.
I am convinced that this forum will once again help enhance the investment appeal of the Russian Arctic and that the decisions made here will find practical application across the industry.
I hope all participants and attendees have a successful event and establish many new business relationships.

The Chairperson of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg

A. N. Belskiy

Dear Friends!

On behalf of the members of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, I am glad to welcome you to the plenary session of OMR 2024 forum.
Development of the Arctic and the continental shelf is one of the key strategic goals of Russia. Its achievement is directly connected with issues that will be discussed at this session. Success of the Strategy of the Russian Arctic development and national security 2035, adopted by the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, is possible only through mobilization of our intellectual potential and engaging best specialists in shipbuilding, information technologies, robots engineering and other spheres.
The northern capital of Russia plays an important role in the Arctic development. St. Petersburg is closely connected with expeditions organization, industrial development of the harsh region and protection of its unique nature and culture. Impressive experience and case studies of St. Petersburg specialists reecho with the agenda of the plenary session.
I wish you productive work, active discussions and success in our common activities.

Chair of the Board for Gazprom PJSC

Alexey Miller

Dear Colleagues:

On behalf of Gazprom PJSC and in my personal capacity, I welcome you to the 6th International Exhibition and Conference on Shipbuilding and High-Tech Equipment Engineering for Arctic and Continental Shelf Exploration.
The Arctic and the northern continental shelf hold Russia’s richest deposits of hydrocarbons, making it a region with immense economic potential. The rational and efficient development of the resource base, the preservation of Arctic flora and fauna, and the creation of incentives for the social and economic development of Arctic regions are key goals for enterprises operating in these areas.
Gazprom is successfully achieving these goals. We established a new gas extraction center in Yamal for our country and are developing it. We were the first company in Russia to start the industrial development of offshore deposits in the Arctic, using an underwater mining complex in the Sea of Okhotsk and a unique ice-resistant platform in the Pechora Sea. We ensured year-round shipping of Yamal oil through a sea-based loading terminal in the Arctic. Our unique expertise in carrying out exceptionally challenging projects has served the development of Russia’s oil and gas industry and the entire country for many years.
Gazprom continues to develop the Arctic’s resources and those of the continental shelf. We work closely with Russian shipbuilders and leading R&D and design-and-engineering organizations. We are focused on creating a specialized fleet to meet the needs of the Gazprom Group and on developing cutting-edge equipment for harvesting hydrocarbons.
I am confident that sharing experience and engaging in open dialogue during OMR 2024 will help us create solutions for important issues in Arctic exploration.
I hope the attendees and participants of the event have successful and fruitful collaborations.

President of the St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Vladimir Katenev

Dear colleagues,

On behalf of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce of Saint Petersburg and in my personal capacity, I welcome the guests and participants of OMR 2024, the International Exhibition and Conference on shipbuilding and high-tech equipment engineering for the exploration of Arctic and continental shelf!
The Russian Federation places special emphasis on the promotion of maritime shipping and the development of the Arctic region. Rapid technological development and introduction of digital solutions expand the boundaries for the shipbuilding industry advancement, the exploration of continental shelf, and the conquest of Arctic. This is the reason why one of the mainstream topics of the dialogue will be the discussion of state-of-the-art technologies and equipment to enable the progress of these processes to a whole new level.
There is the Maritime Arbitration Commission (MAC) that operates under the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation. Ranking among the oldest maritime arbitration institutions worldwide, for 94 years the MAC has been successful in resolving disputes and protecting interests in the maritime industry. In 2019 St. Petersburg became the first region where a branch of the Maritime Arbitration Commission under the Russian CCI was established.
I am convinced that this gathering will be an important milestone in shaping the strategic goals and objectives in the fields of shipbuilding, resource development in the Arctic region and continental shelf of the Russian Federation. Consolidating the efforts of all maritime industry actors is the key for achieving significant outcomes in this area.
I wish all participants of OMR 2024 to work successfully and productively, to develop relevant practical recommendations and to achieve their goals!

Sergey Voronkov

CEO of ExpoForum International

Dear colleagues!

You are heartily welcome at the International Exhibition and Conference for Shipbuilding and Equipment and Technologies for Development of the Arctic and Continental Shelf – OMR 2024.
The arctic region is a strategically significant resource that offers unique opportunities for scientific research, economic development, international collaborations, and it has a pivotal role in energy safety provisions for our country.
For the 2nd time in a row, OMR 2024 has become an integral part of the St. Petersburg International Gas Forum. For the Russian oil and gas industry, which is progressively developing offshore fields, such integration is of special importance. It promotes further progress of Russian technologies for seabed oil and gas mining, promotes import substitution, and consolidates our country’s position of the leading energy power.
Today, we need to combine our efforts like never before to solve the most difficult tasks encountered by the industry. Our meetings and discussions during OMR 2024 will facilitate development of new strategies and approaches, which will help us deal effectively with the ongoing challenges — and also use the emerging opportunities.
I hope all the organisers and participants of OMR 2024 will have rewarding experience and work during the event, as well as inspiring meetings, and successful negotiations!

Dmitry Nikitin

CEO, RESTEC Exhibition Company

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

On behalf of the RESTEC Exhibition Association, I’m glad to welcome the participants and guests of OMR 2024, the International Exhibition and Conference on shipbuilding and high-tech equipment engineering for the development of continental shelf!
This year, as it has always been the case, the Forum’s agenda is extremely rich encompassing the most relevant industry-specific issues related to the acquisition of technological sovereignty, the advancement of international and interregional cooperation, development strategies in all areas from geological exploration to processing.
The exhibition traditionally showcases the major development projects by Russian engineers, entrepreneurs, scientists in the fields of shipbuilding, technical diagnostics and field operation, secure staffing, higher environmental friendliness and reliability of the hydrocarbon production and transportation processes.
I am confident that, basing upon the positive results of OMR 2024, its participants will be able to come up with new sound proposals for the development of the resource-producing segment of the economy within a single industrial environment, and outline specific ways for the comprehensive modernization of the industry on the continental shelf.
I wish all participants, guests and hosts of OMR to hold fruitful discussions, find true solutions and draw up relevant practical recommendations.
    08 October 10:00 - 18:00
    09 October 10:00 - 18:00
    10 October 10:00 - 18:00
    11 October 10:00 - 16:00
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