OMR news

Ministry of Energy is greeting OMR 2020

Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation Alexander Novak has forwarded his greeting to participants and guests of OMR 2020 Offshore and Maritime Exhibition and Conference.
The letter says: “Safe and reliable transportation of goods, including for the needs of the energy industry, is an important factor for the development of the Arctic. That is why the Northern Sea Route, the northernmost transport artery in the world, is being actively developed. This transport corridor is currently the only alternative to routes through the Suez and Panama Canals, which significantly reduces delivery times and is also highly reliable.
I am sure that OMR 2020 Forum will contribute to a comprehensive expert discussion of shipbuilding, the development of the Northern Sea Route, the creation and implementation of high-tech equipment for the exploration of the Arctic and the continental shelf.”
About OMR:
OMR Offshore and Maritime Conference and Exhibition is one of the leading Russian Forums and a reputable discussion platform aimed at working out keynote solutions for offshore oil and gas development in the Arctic and on the continental shelf. The event is held with an active support of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, the Russian Academy of Sciences and the leading Russian operators on the shelf.
OMR 2020 is sponsored by: Gazprom – General Sponsor, MRTS – Conference Session Sponsor, Gazprom Dobycha Shelf Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk – Sponsor of Young Session, Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI) – Partner of the event.
We invite shipbuilding companies, oil & gas operators and producers and suppliers of equipment and technologies for offshore development to participate in OMR 2020 Exhibition and Conference.
2020-09-07 02:51